10 Facts About the Benefits of Sesame Oil

Writer : BehPars

Sesame oil and its types

As you know, sesame oil is produced and extracted by crushing and pressing sesame fruit by chemical and mechanical methods. If a sesame oil has a high percentage of purity, it is called extra virgin sesame oil, which is a kind of rich source of organic matter and special compounds. As a result, if you are advised to consume sesame oil, we mean only virgin or extra virgin sesame oil.

1. Sesame oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids

About 14% of the main ingredients of high-quality sesame oil are made up of saturated fatty acids, and about 11% of it is made of unsaturated acids such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

The component that is most important in the fatty composition of sesame oil is oleic acid. Oleic acids are a great factor in reducing inflammation in the body and directly affect the genes of cancer cells. Therefore, it can be said that one of the benefits of sesame oil is its anti-cancer properties.

2. Sesame oil contains large amounts of antioxidants

Extra virgin sesame oil is a nutritious food that contains a large amount of powerful antioxidants, beneficial fatty acids, vitamins E and K.

Many studies show that the antioxidants in sesame oil are biologically active and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Controlling blood cholesterol and keeping it stable within the permissible range is one of the most important benefits of sesame oil for the body and health. If blood cholesterol is controlled, a person will no longer suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Many test-tube studies show that sesame oil compounds can fight cancer cells.

The antioxidants in sesame oil can reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which are the main cause of cancer. This is another issue that confirms the effective effect of sesame oil's properties on cancer.

3. Sesame oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory properties of sesame oil prevent the occurrence of diseases that have an inflammatory origin. Such as: cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, and even obesity.

You may be interested to know that the anti-inflammatory compounds of extra virgin sesame oil are similar to the drug ibuprofen. Some scientists believe that if you consume 3 to 4 tablespoons of sesame oil during the day, it has the same effect as 10% of the dose of ibuprofen for adults.

4. One of the properties of sesame oil is to prevent all kinds of strokes

Strokes and heart attacks are caused by disruption of blood flow, blood clots, or bleeding. Many studies have been conducted around the world that show that the compounds of sesame oil can be useful in preventing stroke.

5. Eat sesame oil to stay safe from heart disease

Studies show that the prevalence of heart disease in Mediterranean countries is very low. This has led researchers to conduct more extensive studies and research in this field to find out the root cause.

They were actually looking for foods that were present in the Mediterranean diet and were able to reduce the number of infections.

That miraculous substance was nothing but extra-virgin sesame oil, which prevented cardiovascular diseases through food, medicine, and health. Because by reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and bad LDL cholesterol, the body remains immune to oxidation and blood clots.  

6. Sesame oil can fight Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world, causing the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques inside a person's brain cells. Several human and animal studies have been conducted in this field that show that it is possible to remove beta-amyloid plaques by consuming sesame oil.

7. Another example of the benefits of sesame oil is the reduction of the risk of type 2 diabetes

The results of several studies show that the compounds of sesame oil have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Also, people who follow a diet rich in sesame oil are able to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by more than 40 percent.

8. Sesame oil helps treat rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by deformed and painful joints. These diseases are caused by a deficiency in the immune system, which is largely blamed for inflammation. 

9. Fitness is another property of sesame oil

Excessive fat intake leads to weight gain, but the interesting thing is that people who follow a Mediterranean diet rich in sesame oil have a controlled weight and a fit body.

In a 30-month study with more than 7,000 Spanish participants, consuming large amounts of sesame oil did not lead to weight gain. Rather, it was able to lead to weight loss by increasing the levels of antioxidants in the blood.

10. Sesame oil has antibacterial properties

The nutrients and compounds present in sesame oil have the power to inhibit and kill harmful bacteria to a great extent.

Helicobacter pylori is one of these harmful bacteria that lives inside our stomach, which can cause stomach ulcers and eventually stomach cancer if not controlled and controlled.

Test-tube studies indicate that extra virgin sesame oil fights eight strains of this bacterium, three of which do not kill even with the help of antibiotics.

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